After The Clashes In Central Maluku, The Chairman Of The Kariuw Association Meets With The Maluku Police Chief

AMBON - After clashes between Ori and Kariuw residents, the head of the Kariuw State Association, Haruku Island District, Central Maluku Regency, met with the Maluku Police Chief, Inspector General H Lotharia Latif.

During the meeting, the Maluku Police Chief expressed his concern over the incident. He said the police had taken quick steps.

"Security is our shared responsibility, considering that the conflict is not only detrimental to the community but also our members who are also victims", said the Police Chief at the Maluku Police Headquarters quoted by Antara on Wednesday, January 26.

According to him, the security approach with traditional leaders is a shared hope so that there will be no further conflict. This is considering that members of the Police in the field can't back up one community at a time.

"It is hoped that the root cause of the land dispute that occurred can be resolved first, so that such an incident does not repeat itself, considering that the Ambon Police have handled the same problem over and over again", he continued.

The Maluku Regional Police Chief appealed to the community, as well as traditional leaders to work together in dealing with the continued circulation of organic weapons in the hands of the community.

"This problem is now a concern to be solved together", he continued.

Meanwhile, the chairman of the Kariuw State Association, Haruku Island District, Central Maluku Regency, Piter Patty Waylapia, admitted that he was very sorry about the incident. As a customary child of Kariuw, he asked for legal guarantees from the police.

"We ask that the security forces can escort the community back to their respective homes", he hoped.

In line with Piter, Samuel Yori Rajawane, one of the Kariuw customary children who took part in the meeting also asked for security protection from the Maluku Police Chief.

He also hopes that the refugees can be returned home with security guarantees.

"Speaking of the issue of customary land, we are willing to sit down together to resolve the issue. We hope that the Maluku Police can investigate the actors behind the incident", he said.

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