JAKARTA - President Joko Widodo mentioned the criteria for the candidate for the Head of the IKN Nusantara Authority, namely someone who has an architect background.

In response to this, the NasDem Party did not comment on the person who fits the criteria. It's just that NasDem hopes that the Head of the Nusantara IKN Authority, which will be chosen by President Jokowi, can carry out his duties well.

"Yes, we will leave it to the president who is the most suitable. But the first one is able to carry out the law," said Secretary of the NasDem Party Faction, Saan Mustopa, Tuesday, January 25.

The Deputy Chairman of Commission II of the DPR also hopes that the Head of the Archipelago IKN Authority can realize the new capital city. Don't let IKN Nusantara become a stalled project.

"The two of them are able to realize this new capital, it will be implemented and do not let it become a stalled project, that is the most important thing," said Saan.

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