MEDAN - The perpetrators of the robbery in Binjai, North Sumatra, were arrested by the police. A perpetrator was arrested by the police while being alone with his girlfriend in a hotel room.

The Head of the Binjai Police, AKBP Ferio Sano Ginting, through the Head of the Public Relations Subdivision, Iptu Junaidi, said that the gold necklace was stolen at the end of November 2021.

At that time the victim, a woman with the initials PAP (24) was riding with her mother.

"After her mother finished buying the fruit, the victim got on a motorbike, which was followed by her mother to go home. But suddenly two perpetrators riding a motorbike without a police number grabbed the victim", said Iptu Junaidi, Monday, January 24.

After squeezing the victim, a perpetrator immediately grabbed the gold necklace worn around the victim's neck and immediately ran away. Spontaneously, the victim immediately shouted for help.

"But the perpetrator was driving his motorbike at high speed and did not know the characteristics of the perpetrator", continued Iptu Junaidi.

After that, the victim immediately made a report to the Binjai Police Headquarters. Upon receiving the report, the police immediately launched an investigation.

"Then the team found out and got the characteristics and whereabouts of the perpetrators. On Friday, January 14, officers arrested a perpetrator with the initials MI (23)", he said.

Furthermore, the police carried out developments on other perpetrators. The police also arrested AR (35).

"The perpetrator AR was arrested with a woman NUR (40) at a hotel. It is known that NUR helped to sell gold necklaces from the crime", said Iptu Junaidi.

From the hands of the perpetrators, the police secured a number of pieces of evidence. The suspect was charged with violating Article 365 paragraph (1) to 2e subsidiary article 363 paragraph (1) to 4e of the Criminal Code regarding theft with violence.

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