JAKARTA - The KPK Public Prosecutor (JPU) believes that former Deputy Speaker of the DPR from the Golkar Party faction, Azis Syamsuddin, gave bribes, some of which were in foreign currency, amounting to US$100,000 and S$171,900 to former KPK investigator Stepanus Robin Pattuju and advocate Maskur. Husain. "Only by using very simple logic we can be sure that the defendant has a close relationship with the money in the amount of 100 thousand US dollars and 171,900 Singapore dollars in question, because it is clear that the defendant has asked Rita Widyasari to confess as if he gave the money, as stated by Rita Widyasari. ," said KPK Public Prosecutor Lie Putra Setiawan when reading the letter of demand at the Jakarta Corruption Crime Court (Tipikor) on Monday, January 24. The KPK prosecutor demanded Azis Syamsuddin with a sentence of 4 years and 2 months in prison plus a fine of IDR 250 million, subsidiary of 6 months in prison and revocation of rights. politics after the completion of the 5-year sentence. In the letter of Meanwhile, the KPK prosecutor said that Rita Widyasari testified that Azis Syamsuddin had asked him to admit that the dollars disbursed by Stepanus Robin belonged to Rita Widyasari in the amount of Rp. 8 billion. Azis also asked Rita to mention that she has a power of attorney and a "lawyer fee" of Rp. 10 billion so that the money for Robin looks legal. the defendant conveyed directly to the witness via telephone, namely returning to the original story, and the original story was the witness gave the assets, then the witness had to pay Rp10 billion and at that time the witness thought that the defendant already knew who gave the money, because the witness did not never asked the defendant in detail, and the witness stated what it was," added prosecutor Lie. According to the KPK prosecutor, Rita Widyasari's statement should be believed to be true and objective. so there is no real motive for Rita Widyasari to simply slander Azis Syamsuddin in this case, o Therefore, it should be believed that Rita Widyasari's statement is an objective and true statement," said the prosecutor. Agus Susanto and the witness after Rita, Mustafa, Azis asked for an oath of muhabalah because he felt that the statements of the witnesses were not true. Although Stepanus Robin Pattuju dodged by saying that 100 thousand US dollars and a sum of Singapore dollars were received on August 5, 2020 at home Azis Syamsuddin's service came from a loan shark named Nanang, not from Azis, the KPK prosecutor rejected this statement. Robin is in the process of receiving money from n the case management at the KPK, namely Maskur Husain, Agus Susanto, Rizky Cinde Awaliyah and Sebastian D Marewa, where they firmly stated that they did not know Nanang," said the prosecutor. knew the whereabouts of a person named Nanang based on the presentation of Stepanus Robin Pattuju before the trial. "More sadly, the defendant and Stepanus Robin really and firmly do not have any evidence that can be submitted before the trial which can show that the figure of Nanang in question is," added the prosecutor, The KPK prosecutor also said that Stepanus Robin's statement was considered a lie because he explained that Nanang did not provide requirements as a loan shark and only asked for repayment within 4 months of 2 times the money back which if he did not return then Maskur Husain would be sought by Nanang. under the pretext of another Stepanus Robin that the amount of 200,000 Singapore dollars he received on February 20, 2021 was also from Nanang. There is a contradiction here, where Nanang, who is a loan shark, is again willing to provide loans to Stepanus Robin and Maskur Husain even though both of them have broken their promise to pay double the loan amounting to 100 thousand US dollars which is due on December 5, 2020, and instead they continue to do it without evidence. whatever," the prosecutor added. Meanwhile, Azis Syamsuddin's giving of Rp200 million to Stepanus Robin and Maskur Husain whose pretext was only a loan was deemed real and firmly confirmed that the gift was given by Azis Syamsuddin, Stepanus Robin and Maskur Husain and supported by evidence in the form of documents and electronic evidence "That with the transfer of control of money amounting to Rp3,099,887,000 and US$36 thousand from the defendant to Stepanus Robin Pattuju and Maskur Husain, the element of the offense of 'giving or promising something' has been proven according to law," said the prosecutor. , Azis Syamsuddin is scheduled to read a memorandum of defense (p leidoi) on Thursday, February 3, 2022.

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