JAKARTA - Chairman of the Golkar Party DPP Airlangga Hartarto asked Golkar cadres to continue to fight together for the interests of the people. This was conveyed by Airlangga during the National Christmas Celebration of the Collective Central Leadership (PPK) Kosgoro 1957 at the Golkar Party's DPP office.

According to Airlangga, the Christmas celebration with the theme "The Love of Christ Moves Brotherhood", according to Airlangga, is relevant to mobilizing brotherhood, unity and concern for the nation in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic.

The Coordinating Minister for the Economy emphasized that the struggle carried out by the Kosgoro cadres in 1957 and Golkar should be solely to fight for a better standard of living for the people.

“We have to fight for a better life. Not for us in this room, but for society. The struggle so that there is no more poverty in Indonesia, no more extreme poverty and no more unemployment," said Airlangga in his speech on Sunday, January 23 which was delivered in an official statement, Jakarta, Monday, January 24.

In addition, Airlangga also hoped that Kosgoro 1957 would maintain solidity by encouraging mass bases in the form of pro-people activities such as the chants voiced by the general chairman of Kosgoro Dave Laksono.

“I am sure our struggle will be successful, if we work hand in hand, fight with our hearts, not fighting, what will I get. This is what we have to protect," he said.

“This is the time for us to fight for the community, outreach to the community, meeting cadres in the community. things that have not been maximally done if we meet cadres, that's where we fight to win the Golkar Party," Airlangga continued. Airlangga also reminded all cadres to fight for the needs of the people that can be reached by the people. One of them is the need for cooking oil which is a necessity which is very important to the people.

On that occasion, Airlangga also thanked Kosgoro 1957, who had several times held Christmas celebrations for the Golkar Party.

“Thank you Kosgoro for this Christmas celebration. Let's say one word, one deed, one action, and one heart will win the Golkar Party, win the Golkar Party cadres, win the Golkar Party legislative election, and win the Golkar Party presidential election. There's only one thing I ask for, make it the best," said Airlangga.

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