SURABAYA - The East Java Provincial Government's COVID-19 Tracing Team continues to move to handle the spread of the new corona case at the Darussalam Islamic Boarding School, Blokagung Hamlet, Tegalsari, Banyuwangi, East Java. There are 4,800 who underwent the swab test.

"The results are predicted to come out in the next two to three days," said the head of the East Java Covid-19 Task Force Tracing Group, Kohar Hari Santoso, confirmed, Tuesday, September 1.

While waiting for the results of the swab test, the Task Force team quarantined the students for 14 days. This is done so that there is no spread in the Ponpes environment.

"Because the initial presentation of the positivity rate was high, a strict isolation blockade had to be carried out for 14 days," said Kohar.

During his isolation, Kohar made sure that the logistical needs were provided by the government. A total of 18 thousand portions of food per day are prepared, consisting of breakfast, lunch and dinner for the residents of the lodge. Where the number of students in the lodge reached around 5 thousand people.

"The government also supplies vitamins and protein and nutritious food for the students," he said.

Another effort made by the joint team, namely the Ministry of Health, East Java Provincial Government, Banyuwangi Regency Government, the National Police and the TNI are helping to handle COVID-19 in the pesantren cluster.

"We have also provided a special isolation room to separate positive and healthy santri," he said.

To date, there are around 539 students in PP Darussalam, Banyuwangi confirmed positive for COVID-19. This number was obtained after the results of the swab carried out on Saturday, August 29, 2020, detected 340 santri who were exposed to COVID-19.

"Most of them are positive without symptoms. Santri who are exposed to COVID-19 are relatively young, namely still in junior high and high school," he explained.

"They are isolated with health monitoring. Whether the symptoms appear or not. Everything is supported by food and vitamins," added Kohar.

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