JAKARTA - Bekasi Metro Police Chief Kombes Gidion Arif Setyawan said the official road racing event was scheduled to be held in Bekasi Regency, West Java in February 2022.

This event is predicted to be more lively than a similar event that was held in Ancol, Jakarta, some time ago.

"We are making a bigger event because this is a safari, after Ancol, Bekasi City, Tangerang, then Bekasi Regency," said the Police Chief in Cikarang, Antara, Sunday, January 23.

Gidion admitted that he would prepare this street race event to be much bigger than before as the interest of illegal racing players was high after the Polda Metro Jaya successfully held the event in Ancol, North Jakarta.

So far, his party has embraced at least 14 illegal racing communities in their jurisdiction to finalize the concept of competition later.

"All communities that are based in Bekasi Regency are ready to support our event," he said.

They stated that they were ready to assist the police in preparing official street racing events to participate in the competition by sending jockeys or racers.

"We are also assisted by IMI (Indonesian Motor Association) as well as private parties who have agreed to the location of the race circuit later," he said.

This official road race, he said, is planned to be held at the Meikarta area circuit track, Cibatu Village, South Cikarang District, which has received approval from the Polda Metro Jaya Traffic Directorate.

"The location is very representative and has indeed been declared worthy by the Ditlantas Polda Metro Jaya as a racing track later," he said.

Gidion stated that apart from the success of the event, his party also hopes that this event will be able to reduce the number of traffic violations, especially illegal racing actions that are often carried out by a group of youths at night.

"Hopefully, this will be an imitation of a way to divert social problems, illegal racing is transformed into an orderly race. This pattern can change the social structure for the better," said Gidion.

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