JAKARTA - President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) spoke with Cambodian Prime Minister (PM) Hun Sen by telephone regarding ASEAN solutions to problems in Myanmar. Both emphasized the importance of resolving conflicts and problems in Myanmar and resolving disputes in the country.

"The implementation of the 5-Point Consensus should not be used to support the Tatmadaw's 5-Point Roadmap. Do not link it because it can be seen as a form of ASEAN's support for the Myanmar military," said President Jokowi at the Merdeka Palace, Jakarta, Friday, January 21, as in a release received from the Press, Media and Information Bureau of the Presidential Secretariat on Saturday, January 22.

PM Hun Sen is known to hold the Chair of ASEAN 2022. In the telephone conversation, President Jokowi emphasized that ASEAN's approach to Myanmar must be based on mutually agreed principles, in particular the five points of consensus.

President Jokowi also regretted the attitude of the Myanmar military which did not show a commitment to implementing the five points of consensus on the occasion of PM Hun Sen's visit to Myanmar.

PM Kamboja Hun Sen. (Wikimedia Commons/Kremlin.ru/Пресс-служба Президента России)
Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen. (Wikimedia Commons/Kremlin.ru/Пресс-служба езидента оссии)

In fact, two days after Prime Minister Hun Sen's visit, former leader of Myanmar's Civil Government Aung San Suu Kyi was given an additional four years' sentence.

"And also violence is still continuing in Myanmar. This is a gesture that is not good and it does not respect PM Hun Sen's efforts to push for the settlement of the Myanmar issue," said the President.

In addition, President Jokowi emphasized that the Myanmar military authorities must provide access to the Special Envoy for the Chair of ASEAN to be able to communicate immediately with all parties in Myanmar.

Such communication is critical to paving the way for an inclusive national dialogue. "Access to all 'stakeholders' is very important. Commitment to granting access is also very important so that there is a political solution that is agreed upon and accepted by all parties. I am worried, with labeling the NLD (National League for Democracy), NUG (National Unity Government) of Myanmar) as a terrorist group, the Special Envoy will not be given access to meet them," added the President.

Indonesia, said Jokowi, remains consistent that as long as there is no significant progress in the implementation of the five points of consensus, the decision that Myanmar is only represented by a "non-political level" at ASEAN meetings is important to maintain.

Manmar's photo

This principle applies to the planned retreat of ASEAN Foreign Ministers (Menlu) and to other meetings.

Responding to PM Hun Sen's suggestion on the formation of a Troika consisting of the Cambodian Foreign Minister/Special Envoy, Brunei Foreign Minister, Indonesian Foreign Minister, and supported by the ASEAN Secretary General to monitor the implementation of the five consensus points, President Jokowi has noted it and conveyed that the proposal is discussed further by the Foreign Ministers. ASEAN countries.

President Jokowi agreed on the proposal to establish a "consultative meeting" consisting of the Special Envoy and Secretary General of ASEAN, the AHA Center, Myanmar authorities, and UN agencies to support the distribution of humanitarian aid without discrimination.

The AHA Center is the ASEAN "Coordinating Center for Humanitarian Assistance on disaster management" or an organization formed by ASEAN countries to facilitate cooperation among ASEAN members in disaster management in Southeast Asia. "I agree with PM Hun Sen that humanitarian assistance must be provided without discrimination," said President Jokowi.

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