PALEMBANG - Officials of the Regional Office of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights (Kemenkum HAM) South Sumatra sent a team to thoroughly investigate the case of prisoners escaping or escaping from the Class II A Correctional Institution (Lapas) in Lahat Regency.

"Cases of escaped convicts have happened quite often, in January 2022 this has happened twice. To prevent similar cases from happening again, it is necessary to find the root of the problem and solve it thoroughly," said Head of the Regional Office of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights of South Sumatra Indro Purwoko, in Palembang, quoted by Antara, Friday, January 21.

He explained that an inmate for drug cases at Lapas Class IIA Lahat with the initials EP, a resident of Kota Jaya Village, Lahat Regency, reportedly fled the prison on Saturday, January 15.

Previously, an inmate at the Class II B Empat Lawang prison was known to have escaped on Sunday, January 2 at around 12.30 WIB, by jumping over a fence.

Following up on the case in Lahat Lapas, a team of investigators was formed, chaired by the Head of the Correctional Division, Dadi Mulyadi.

To uncover the case, his party has taken steps to withdraw the Main Door Guard Officer (P2U), the guard commander, and Plt. Head of the Class IIA Lahat KPLP Lapas to the South Sumatra Ministry of Law and Human Rights Regional Office to facilitate inspection and guidance.

"We have moved quickly since it was discovered that a prisoner had escaped, immediately formed a team to examine the officer in charge at the time of the incident, and the team pursued the prisoner, coordinating with the police," he said.

The incident became an evaluation material for the South Sumatra Ministry of Law and Human Rights Regional Office staff so that it would not happen again.

As an anticipatory measure, Lahat Kalapas was ordered to evaluate the improvement of the administrative system in the appointment of inmates as prisoners (Tamping), regular development of the Zero HALINAR program, as well as improvements to security facilities and infrastructure such as adding surveillance camera points (CCTV) throughout prison area.

Based on the results of the interim examination, the inmate escaped after successfully tricking P2U officers by arguing that he asked for permission to meet his son in the courtyard outside the prison on Saturday, January 15 at 07.08 WIB.

During the examination, the team found that there were elements of negligence and violations of standard operating procedures (SOP) which gave the drug convict a chance who was sentenced to a prison sentence of more than five years to escape.

"The team is currently continuing to conduct investigations and collect supporting evidence to provide appropriate disciplinary sanctions or punishments to all officers who are negligent and violate the SOP so that the inmates manage to escape," said Indro.

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