Former Commissioner Of Komnas HAM Comments On Polemic Arteria Dahlan
Arteria Dahlan apologized to the Sundanese people in front of the Secretary General of the DPP PDIP Hasto Kristiyanto, and the chairman of the DPP PDIP Komarudin Watubun / PR PDIP

JAKARTA - Former Commissioner of the National Human Rights Commission, Natalius Pigai, also highlighted the polemic of PDIP politician Arteria Dahlan regarding his statement asking Kajati to be fired for using the Sundanese language.

According to him, mutual forgiveness should be shown by Sundanese community leaders to Arteria Dahlan. Moreover, Arteria had apologized and regretted his words.

"Dear Mr. Ridwan Kamil, Dedi Mulyadi, Jumhur Hidayat and ladies and gentlemen. Please forgive Arteria Dahlan," said Natalius Pigai in Jakarta, Friday, January 21.

As someone who has lived in West Java, Pigai admits that the Sundanese people are basically very pluralistic and respect each other. Despite being a victim of racism, Pigai said that until now he had never heard of a Sundanese treating him differently.

"22 years living in West Java, I have never heard of Sundanese people being racist to me. Sundanese people are pluralist and very respectful of fellow human beings. Please forgive Arteria Dahlan," he said.

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