JAKARTA - Secretary of the Task Force (Satgas) for the Acceleration of Handling COVID-19 in the Sangihe Islands Regency, North Sulawesi, Wandu Labesi said, there are still 36.68 percent of Sangihe residents who have not been vaccinated with dose one.

"Until now there are 41,682 people or 36.68 percent of residents in Sangihe Regency who have not been vaccinated against COVID-19 dose one out of a target of 113,631 people," said Wandu Labesi in Tahuna, Wednesday, January 19, as reported by Antara.

According to him, the Sangihe Regency Government through the task force for handling COVID-19 and related agencies continues to provide socialization as well as carry out vaccinations for residents who have not been vaccinated.

"The government of Sangihe Regency, assisted by the TNI and Polri, continues to provide vaccination services to residents who have not been vaccinated," he said.

Vaccination services are carried out in every village and kelurahan including in worship buildings in collaboration with local religious leaders.

"Police ranks as well as the TNI and the Prosecutor's Office play a very important role in accelerating the implementation of vaccinations in Sangihe Regency," he said.

So far, 71,949 or 63.31 percent have been vaccinated against 1,022 health workers, 9,622 public servants, 7,854 elderly people, 43,386 people and 9,851 teenagers.

He said that for the third dose of vaccine injection, it was still intended for health workers with the realization of 637 people or 55.39 percent of the target of 1,150 people.

He invited all residents who have not been vaccinated to immediately go to the nearest vaccine location.

"Currently, the location of vaccination services is still available at the Health Office and in every Puskesmas," he said.

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