JAKARTA - The project to move the nation's capital city from Jakarta to Penajam Paser Utara, East Kalimantan, is only a matter of time after the stipulation of the Draft State Capital Law (RUU IKN) to become the IKN Law at the plenary meeting of the Indonesian House of Representatives, Tuesday, January 18.

The discussion of this law was fairly fast because it only took 43 days, starting from December 7, 2021 until it was ratified on January 18, 2022. Later, the agreed capital city named Nusantara will be led by the Chairman of the Authority who is directly elected by President Joko Widodo.

This is stated in the IKN Law, according to Article 9 Based on Article 9 of the IKN Law:

Article 1 “The Nusantara IKN Authority is led by the Head of the Nusantara IKN Authority and assisted by a Deputy Head of the Nusantara IKN Authority who is appointed, appointed, and dismissed directly by the President after consulting with the DPR”

Famous names have also emerged to fill the position such as Basuki Tjahaja Purnama (Ahok) who currently serves as President Commissioner of PT Pertamina, Bambang Brodjonegoro who served as Minister of Research and Technology, Tumiyono who currently serves as President Director of PT Wijaya Karya ( Persero) Tbk, and his last name is PDIP politician Abdullah Azwar Anas. The former Banyuwangi Regent is now the Head of the Government Goods/Services Procurement Policy Institute (LKPP).

Then what is the authority of the Chairman of the Authority in managing IKN Nusantara? The VOI.id team tried to summarize it.

Can Serve Forever

Based on Paragraph (1) Article 10 of the IKN Law:

"The Head of the Nusantara IKN Authority and the Deputy Head of the Nusantara IKN Authority as referred to in Article 9 hold positions for 5 (five) years from the date of inauguration and thereafter may be appointed and reappointed within the same term of office."

As long as there are no laws and regulations which are derivatives of the IKN Law which regulates the limitation of the term of office of the Head of Authority, then people who are trusted by the President will be able to serve continuously.

Managing the 500 Trillion Development Fund

The financing scheme for the national capital relocation project is regulated in the IKN Law. However, the IKN Nusantara development project requires no small amount of money.

As stated by President Joko Widodo, relocating the capital city will at least cost up to IDR 501 trillion.

"The first is the construction of Indonesia's new capital city. To build a new capital city, at least US$35 billion (around Rp. 501 trillion) is needed," said Jokowi while attending the Indonesia–PEA (Union of Arab Emirates) Investment Forum which took place in Dubai, United Arab Emirates (UAE), Thursday, November 4.

This is stated in Article 23 of the IKN Law:

Paragraph (1): "In the context of preparation, development, and relocation of the State Capital, as well as the implementation of the Special Regional Government for IKN Nusantara, the President's power as the manager of state finances is delegated to the Head of the Archipelago IKN Authority"

Paragraph (2): “The Head of the Archipelago IKN Authority as referred to in paragraph (1) is domiciled as a budget user/user of goods for IKN Nusantara”

Priority in terms of buying land

Based on Article 17 of the IKN Law:

"The IKN Nusantara Authority has the right to be prioritized in purchasing land at IKN Nusantara."

Dropping Some Legislation

In order to facilitate the task of the Head of Authority and development to run well and to apply the IKN Law, all laws or regional regulations that are contrary to the interests of development are no longer valid.

This is stated in Article 27 of the IKN Law:

Letter a:

"All provisions of laws and regulations that are contrary to the provisions specifically regulated in this Law"

Letter b:

"The laws and regulations governing regional government are declared null and void in terms of preparation, development, and relocation of the State Capital, as well as the implementation of IKN Special Regional Governments"

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