JAKARTA - The Presidential Staff Office said that the government had begun to prepare a derivative regulation of the State Capital Law (UU IKN) to support the execution or application of the law in the field. This was conveyed by Deputy I KSP Febry Calvin Tetelepta at the Bina Graha Building, Jakarta, Thursday. , as the press release received. "Actually, the formulation of derivative regulations has been carried out in parallel with the formulation of the IKN Law, and finalization will also be carried out in the near future. The formulation remains in accordance with the procedures and procedures for making applicable laws and regulations," Febry was quoted as saying. Antara, Thursday, January 20. Febry explained that all technical aspects of IKN support will be regulated in derivative regulations, starting from the implementation of physical development, funding, governance management, transition period, to the relocation stage.

"The issue of relocation will also be technically detailed in the derivative regulations," said Febry. According to him, the IKN Law and its derivative regulations are a crucial basis in the implementation of the relocation of the state capital so that the contents and preparation of it in a transparent manner will always be conveyed to the public. derivative regulations and follow-up to the execution of the 'Nusantara' development are properly prepared so that the target for completion in 2024 can be achieved," he said. In the trial, the majority of the factions approved the ratification of the IKN Law, except for the PKS faction.

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