JAKARTA - Member of the Special Committee for the IKN Bill from the PAN faction of the DPR, Guspardi Gaus, assessed that the naming of the National Capital of the Archipelago (IKN Nusantara) was acceptable to almost all factions. This responds to the pros and cons of the name Nusantara as the new capital city.

However, he said, the PAN faction asked for a detailed and comprehensive explanation of the word Nusantara in the bill before it was passed as a law. "So that people can understand the meaning and also become a valuable historical record for the nation and at the same time so that it does not cause counter-productive debates," said Guspardi, Wednesday, January 19.

The legislator from West Sumatra asked the government to commit to a development funding scheme in the National Capital. As well as being consistent with the scheme that has been set so that it will not burden the State Budget (APBN) later. "Especially funding with the PPP scheme (Government and Business Entity Cooperation) must be guarded so that it doesn't change in the middle of the road," said the member of Commission II of the DPR. . According to him, it is also necessary to emphasize that schemes related to other parties should not undermine the state's dominance over the IKN area. Then regarding land issues in the IKN Bill, Guspardi hopes that there will be openness from the Government regarding land arrangement and management, such as land status, and so on. This is because the ownership status of the land that will be used as the location of the State Capital (IKN Nusantara) is quite diverse, starting from the right to cultivate (HGU), the right to use the building (HGB), customary land and so on. "This is important so as not to create new problems in the social and economic fields in the future. Likewise with regard to spatial planning in the IKN area, the government must pay serious attention to spatial and environmental management," said Guspardi.

With the approval of the Archipelago IKN Bill by the Indonesian House of Representatives at the Plenary Session, added the member of the DPR RI Baleg, the IKN Law must be used as a momentum to realize Indonesia's development, which is more than just creating a capital city area. "We hope that the IKN Bill is able to accommodate various development dynamics. Indonesia to realize fair and equitable development for all Indonesian people," said Guspardi.

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