DUMAI - The Dumai Police have arrested three people suspected of being involved in a human trafficking syndicate with the mode of smuggling or sending 28 illegal immigrant workers to Malaysia.

"The three perpetrators are Zu (47) and SI (19) residents of Bumi Ayu Village, Dumai Selatan District, Dumai City and Su (31) Makeruh Village, Rupat District, Bengkalis Regency," said Dumai Police Chief Adjunct Senior Commissioner Muhammad Kholid to reporters in Dumai, Antara. , Tuesday, January 18th.

The arrests of the three perpetrators by the Dumai Police Opsnal team were carried out in two places. First in Dumai and Pekanbaru. The arrests of the perpetrators began with information obtained from local residents who reported suspicions of activities in a rented house on Jalan Tengku Said Umar, Ratu Village, Sima Dumai Selatan District, Dumai City.

"Furthermore, the Dumai Police Opsnal team conducted an investigation and after finding strong evidence, they immediately secured the 28 immigrant workers," he said.

From the statements of the immigrant workers, further investigations were carried out and the arrests of three perpetrators, respectively Zu, SI and SU, last Wednesday.

"We arrested Zu in Dumai and SI and SU were arrested in Pekanbaru," said Kholid.

According to the perpetrators' information, they plan to smuggle the 28 immigrant workers into Malaysia, through unofficial channels.

According to the perpetrators, the immigrant workers to be smuggled came from the islands of Java, Lampung, NTB and Aceh.

"For the fees levied by the perpetrators, each immigrant worker must pay Rp. 5 million," said Kholid.

The three suspects were charged with Law No. 18 of 2017 articles 81 and 83 in prison of 10 years or a fine of 15 billion.

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