BOGOR - The Regency Government (Pemkab) of Bogor, West Java has blacklisted six contractors because they were unable to complete government projects in 2021.

"From 42 activities last year, we blacklisted six (contractors). Five projects belong to the Education Office (Disdik) and one project belongs to the Youth and Sports Office (Dispora). We were blacklisted because the work was not completed and was not appropriate," said the Deputy Regent Bogor Iwan Setiawan after a meeting in Cibinong, Bogor, Antara, Tuesday, January 18.

According to him, the six contractors who were blacklisted by the Government Goods/Services Procurement Policy Institute (LKPP) were temporarily unable to participate in working on the project in Bogor Regency due to default.

Iwan said that in preparation for the implementation of activities in 2022, all regional work units (SKPD) must prioritize integrated planning with cross-agency so as to minimize the occurrence of stalled or neglected development.

“The detection must be from the beginning, there is no longer any excuse for road access, the mobility of goods is constrained, and it is delayed due to rainy weather. We can't just accept excuses from third parties, if the reasons are irrational then we don't accept them. If the reason is rational, for example the soil is unstable, but if there are problems with rain, mobilizing goods, we will not accept changes in design," said Iwan.

He asked the contractors who won the tender to coordinate and look directly at the construction site so that there is no longer any reason for difficult access to the project site.

"Then make it a culture to make a clear and clean DED (detail engineering design), including road access," he said.

In addition, he reminded SKPD regarding security to minimize security disturbances in the implementation of development.

"We must have the courage to blacklist third parties whose performance is not good, we blacklist the PT and then we identify the HR. There must be footnotes to both achievers and those with problems," he explained.

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