MALANG - Heavy rains accompanied by strong winds that hit the Malang City area, East Java caused the roof of the city transportation parking lot at Arjosari Terminal, in Blimbing District, to collapse.

Head of the Malang City Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD), Alie Mulyanto said, in addition to causing the roof of the city transportation parking building to collapse at Arjosari Terminal, heavy rain accompanied by strong winds in the Malang City area also caused one tree to fall.

"There was a fallen tree, then the roof at Ajosari Terminal collapsed," he said, Monday, January 17.

He explained that the collapsed roof of the parking lot hit two city transportation vehicles that were parked. However, even though the roof of the Arjosari Terminal angkot parking lot collapsed and hit two city buses, there were no casualties.

In addition, there was one other incident, namely a fallen tree that occurred on Jalan Raden Intan, Blimbing District. The incident, he continued, did not cause any casualties.

"Two angkot units were hit by a building. Then a tree fell on Jalan Raden Intan. There were no casualties as a result of the incident," he said.

He appealed to the public to remain vigilant considering the potential for high rainfall and extreme weather in Indonesia, including Malang City, which is expected to continue until February 2022.

"We urge you to remain vigilant, because extreme weather is expected until February, stay alert," said Alie Mulyanto.

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