JAKARTA – The arrest of a methamphetamine dealer in Serdang Wetan Legok Village, Tangerang Regency, Banten caused public material losses. That's because the perpetrator in his escape hit several buildings and motorbikes with the car he was using.

Responding to the incident, the West Jakarta Metro Police have been responsible for compensating and providing financial assistance to residents who have been victims of being hit by a methamphetamine dealer car.

The compensation was symbolically conveyed by the West Jakarta Metro Police Chief, Kombes Ady Wibowo, to Asmana as the head of RW 08, Serdang Wetan Legok Village, Tangerang Regency, Banten.

"Alhamdulillah, this assistance can help our community in the economic cycle so that they can carry out their activities again", said Asmana, Monday, January 17.

According to Asmana, the collision incident damaged several shop houses selling meatballs, cendol, and fruit ice. Not only that, several motorbikes belonging to residents were damaged so they could not be used.

The residents have calculated the damage and totaled IDR 81 million. Asmana said the Resort Police agreed to the amount of the compensation.

"We are very grateful for the assistance provided by the Chief of Police", he said.

Asmana hopes that in the future, the West Jakarta Metro Police will be more aggressive in resolving cases of illicit goods circulation so that citizens can be saved from the dangers of drugs.

Previously, the police arrested a shabu dealer and courier by inserting the illicit goods into the car's loudspeaker.

"This methamphetamine was stored in a car that was camouflaged with the 'speaker' part to store 25 kilograms", said West Jakarta Metro Police Chief, Kombes Ady Wibowo, at the West Jakarta Metro Police Headquarters.

Ady said the arrest of the two suspects with the initials RH (29) AIE (25) stems from the development of the drug disclosure case in 2021.

From the results of the examination, the police smelled the practice of circulating international scale methamphetamine from Malaysia and China. The police also found the names of two suspects, namely RH and AIE who were involved in the distribution of the methamphetamine.

After monitoring, the police finally arrested RH while driving the car along with evidence of 25 kilograms of crystal methamphetamine. After arresting RH, the police arrested AIE in the Legok area, Tangerang Regency, Banten, on Monday, January 11.

When he wanted to be arrested, AIE tried to escape by car. He reversed the car until it hit several vehicles and buildings.

"There were about five motorbikes that were hit, then there was a wheelbarrow to sell, there were six and one permanent kiosks was damaged", said Ady.

The AIE car was stopped when it hit a power pole at the location. AIE was eventually arrested by officers in the area.

Police are still investigating the main city of the methamphetamine and the location will be circulated.

"The investigation process is still ongoing. We will continue to search for the main airport", said Ady.

For their actions, our two suspects imposed Article 114, Article 112, Article 111, and Article 132 of the 2009 Law on Narcotics with a minimum penalty of 6 years and a maximum of 20 years, and a maximum fine of 10 billion.

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