JAKARTA - Minister of Religion Yaqut Cholil Qoumas emphasized that the government will not stop the departure of Umrah pilgrims which has been open since January 8, 2022.

The statement was made by Yaqut to straighten out the news of the temporary suspension of the departure of Umrah pilgrims which was previously conveyed by the Directorate General of Hajj and Umrah Organizers of the Ministry of Religion.

Yaqut said there was a misperception that what would be revoked or terminated was the One Gate Policy, not the departure of Umrah.

"It's been reported that it was dismissed, in fact, there was no termination, but there was a public communication that was somewhat misunderstood. It was not Umrah that was terminated but the One Gate Policy which was terminated on January 15," said Minister of Religion Yaqut during a working meeting with Commission VIII DPR quoted Antara, Monday. , January 17th.

This one-door policy is a centralized system for departing pilgrims that has been set by the Ministry of Religion. This rule regulates all Umrah pilgrims departing from Soekarno-Hatta Airport and undergoing quarantine in Jakarta.

This policy also regulates health checks, PCR/SWAB tests, checks on vaccination status, immigration, quarantine, and centrally manages other documents.

Initially, he said, the Directorate General of Hajj and Umrah Organizers would revoke the one-door departure scheme, because each region is considered to be able to carry out the departure of Umrah pilgrims.

However, Yaqut asked that the one-door policy be enforced as protection for Umrah pilgrims. Thus, there was a misperception about stopping the departure of Umrah pilgrims.

"Yesterday, the Director General (PHU) wanted to revoke the One Gate Policy setting. However, I asked the Director General, it cannot be dismissed, it is still One Gate Policy. Do not allow each region to fly alone. What is revoked is the One Gate Policy, not Umrah, because Umrah is still (departing)," said Yaqut.

According to him, the decision not to revoke the one-door policy was due to the high development of Omicron cases, both in Indonesia and in Saudi Arabia. In fact, according to the Ministry of Health, one of the contributors to the Omicron transmission rate in Indonesia, is an Indonesian citizen who returned from Saudi Arabia.

In addition, there were dozens of advance teams who mapped and prepared Umrah pilgrims in Saudi Arabia who were exposed to COVID-19 after returning from the Holy Land. This condition is a consideration for Yaqut to continue to apply the one door policy.

"We only use the One Gate Policy, there are still people who get hit, let alone loss (no), it will be very risky," he said.

Previously, the Director General of PHU at the Ministry of Religion Hilman Latief said Umrah pilgrims would depart until January 15. The Ministry of Religion will evaluate the One Gate Policy scheme, including monitoring the development of the Omicron variant in Indonesia and Saudi Arabia, thus the departure will be temporarily suspended.

"First, we will thoroughly review the OGP concept by looking at the developments that occur, when the Omicron virus is growing in several countries, including Indonesia and Saudi Arabia. Umrah pilgrims will depart until January 15, 2022 and we are trying to temporarily stop it for evaluation, " he said.

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