JAKARTA - A joint team from the Penjaringan Police and the North Jakarta Metro Resort Police arrested a man suspected of being the perpetrator of the beating that caused the TNI member with the initials S (23) to die in Penjaringan, North Jakarta.

The Head of Penjaringan Police, AKBP Febri Isman Jaya, said that a member of the group suspected of stabbing the victim with a sharp weapon is now being investigated by police investigators.

"Alhamdulillah, last night we secured (arrested) one perpetrator," Febri told reporters quoted by Antara, Sunday, January 16.

Information obtained from a number of witnesses at the scene, said Febri, the perpetrator, and other group members were involved in an argument and abused the victim while looking for someone in the Pluit Reservoir area, North Jakarta, Sunday at around 03.00 western Indonesia time in the morning.

Victim S and his friend, SM, became victims of the group's beatings until they were stabbed.

As a result of this incident, S died, while his colleague SM was in critical condition and undergoing treatment at Atmajaya Hospital, Jakarta.

Until now the police are still pursuing the other perpetrators of the group.

"Two victims, one died, one victim is still being treated at Atmajaya Hospital. Information like that (the victim is a member of the TNI AD). We have examined several witnesses related to last night's incident, other perpetrators are still being chased," said Febri.

Febri has not disclosed the initials and identities of the arrested perpetrators or the group so as not to interfere with the ongoing investigation process.

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