JAKARTA - Polda Metro Jaya said that the cry of a comedian from Depok, Fico Fachriza, when he was shown at a press conference because he felt stressed. Because, Fico has been named a suspect in the case of narcotics abuse of synthetic tobacco.

"The person concerned is crying because he is a little stressed or depressed and regrets his actions," said Head of Public Relations of Polda Metro Jaya Kombes E. Zulpan to reporters, Saturday, January 15.

Fico's stress due to the case has an impact on his career. What's more, as a result of his actions he had to be ensnared in a crime.

"It has a long impact on him (career, ed) because he has to be held criminally responsible," said Zulpan.

On the other hand, Zulpan said that the appearance of Fico in a press conference was a natural thing. The reason is to provide education to the public as a result of violating the rules.

"It is normal for him to appear as a suspect and it is the right of investigators so that the public can find out the real problem and as an education," said Zulpan.

Previously, Fico couldn't help but cry when he saw his brother Rispo visit him. The moment began when Fico was brought by the police to the front of the press conference area at the Directorate of Drug Investigation of the Polda Metro Jaya.

About 5 minutes later, the police took the big man back to the detention cell. At that time, Fico cried again. He saw his older brother, Rispo, come to see him. Fico, who was under police escort, was hugged by Rispo.

They both cried. However, the police who were escorting released the two of them tightly. Rispo reacts. He asked the policeman to give him a chance to meet his sister. "Sir, can I meet you, sir? That's my sister, sir," said Rispo. Until finally, Rispo was allowed to enter the investigator's room.

In this case, Fico Fachriza is suspected of having multiple articles. Among them, Article 112 paragraph 1 subsidiary Article 127 paragraph 1 letter a of the Law of the Republic of Indonesia number 35 of 2009 concerning narcotics.

Fico Fachriza is threatened with imprisonment for a minimum of 4 years and or a maximum of 12 years in prison.

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