JAKARTA - One of the residents of Mungseng Village, Temanggung District, Central Java, Fajar Nugroho (38) returned aid from Governor Ganjar Pranowo through officers at the Mungseng Village office.

A political observer from Al Azhar University Indonesia, Andriadi Achmad, said he was surprised by the return of the aid. The reason is that the provision of aid is still in the capacity of a governor who helps his citizens. Not in the context of the election campaign or the presidential election.

"Why must it be rejected if the aid does not contain elements of money politics in politics (elections or presidential elections, ed)," Andriadi told VOI, Thursday, January 13.

As is well known, Fajar suspects that the aid that has become so popular on social media is intended by Ganjar Pranowo for imaging.

"In fact, I judge that the person who returned the aid from Ganjar, or the person concerned, is looking for sensationalism and so that it will go viral in the mass media. Because they do things that are rarely done by most people. Even though the person concerned may need the help," explained Andriadi.

The Executive Director of PolCom SRC understands Fajar's right to refuse aid. Although there are indications that Fajar was intimidated to return the aid.

But according to him, any social aid from politicians, whether in office or not, please accept them as long as they do not contain elements of money politics. Let's just say, that the politicians are distributing sustenance and distributing social aid (money or basic necessities).

"Even if Fajar's actions in returning the aid from Ganjar Pranowo were due to intimidation from certain parties, I think it was too intimidating to do so. Moreover, the aid consisted of basic materials or basic necessities that were really needed by the person concerned," said Andriadi.

Previously, the Chairman of the Surakarta PDIP DPC, FX Hadi Rudyatmo, responded to the news that the Temanggung PDIP cadre, Fajar Nugroho, had returned aid from Ganjar Pranowo. According to Rudy, there were parties who intervened or pressured the cadre to return the aid.

"The reward is for a PDIP cadre, if you help others, let alone help a PDIP cadre, don't get in the way, wong he helps as governor to help his people," said Rudy, Thursday, January 13.

"So if someone gets in the way like that, the DPD puts pressure on the DPC, the DPC presses on the assisted, God doesn't sleep," he explained.

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