RIAU - Residents of the Meranti Islands Regency, Riau Province who are in Dumai City can already take advantage of health insurance facilities at the Regional General Hospital (RSUD). The conditions are easy, you just need to show your identity card (KTP).

"This is stated in the memorandum of understanding between the Meranti Islands Regency Government and the Dumai City Government that we have signed," said Meranti Islands Regent Muhammad Adil in Selatpanjang, as quoted by Antara, Thursday, January 13.

The signing of the MoU was carried out by the Director of the Dumai Regional General Hospital, Dr. Ridhonaldi and the Acting Head of the Meranti Islands District Health Office, Muhammad Fahri.

He explained that the signing of the MoU was one of its strategic programs to make Meranti Regency advanced, intelligent, healthy and dignified.

"We have guaranteed the Meranti residents since they were in the womb. Every year we budget Rp. 24 billion for this health insurance," he said.

Furthermore, he stated that the health insurance program for residents of the Meranti Islands applies to hospitals located in all districts and cities in Riau, even outside Riau Province.

"We know that in Dumai there are many Meranti Islands residents, especially those who work in the shipping sector. That's why we hastened this MoU. This includes later in other regencies and cities that we have not cooperated with," said Muhammad Adil.

Meanwhile, the Mayor of Dumai Paisal welcomed and fully supported the strategic program of the Meranti Islands Regency Government in providing health insurance for its citizens in Dumai City and its surroundings.

"We know that RSUD Dumai is a regional referral hospital. With the signing of this MoU, it becomes a guarantee for Meranti residents who want to seek treatment or have health problems, they must be served at Dumai Hospital using only Meranti's ID card," he said.

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