JAKARTA - Deputy Chairman of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) Nurul Ghufron does not deny that Penajam Paser Utara Regent Abdul Gafur Mas'ud was ensnared in a red-handed arrest operation (OTT) carried out on Wednesday, January 12 yesterday.

He even said the arrests were made because of the alleged receipt of bribes and gratuities. However, Ghufron did not elaborate further.

"It is true that the KPK yesterday, on January 12, had actively arrested state officials in the Penajam Paser Utara area on suspicion of accepting bribes and gratuities," said Ghufron to reporters, Thursday, January 13.

Ghufron said that currently the party caught in the silent operation was undergoing investigation. He said that the KPK had 1x24 hours to explore further about the receipts made.

So, he asked the entire community to be patient because the investigators are currently working. "We are still conducting an examination for 1 x 24 hours to clarify the situation," he said.

"KPK asks the public to be patient and give the team the opportunity to work on investigating this case. We will present it in a more comprehensive manner later," concluded Ghufron.

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