JAKARTA - Polda Metro Jaya is waiting for the government's decision to open a cinema in order to provide full support if the policy is implemented including enforcing health protocols.

"We are still waiting for the policy from the task force, in this case the police are ready to support it," said Head of Public Relations at Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Yusri Yunus, as reported by Antara, Friday, August 28.

Yusri said the DKI Jakarta COVID-19 task force would first conduct a discussion before the policy was implemented. The goal is that the policy is in line with the health protocols launched by the government.

"We are a task force team, in this case the chairman is the Governor of DKI Jakarta, the deputy is the Pangdam Jaya and the Kapolda Metro Jaya. This team will definitely discuss what kind of team will it benefit, so we will wait," he said.

Regarding escort by officers and technical implementation, Yusri has not been able to talk much because his party is still waiting for certainty about the implementation of the policy.

"The technicalities in the field are not yet certain, we will wait," he said.

Previously, DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan immediately opened the cinema operation after discussing with the COVID-19 Handling Task Force Expert Team and related ministries.

"So the conclusion of the meeting is that in the near future cinema activities in Jakarta will reopen and health protocols will be enforced," said Anies when delivering a statement at the National Disaster Management Agency (BPNB) Building, Jakarta, Wednesday, August 26.

Anies said there were several things that were underlined to prepare for the opening of the cinema operation, namely preparing a complete regulation and the regulation would later include all elements of the health protocol.

One of these elements, among others, includes the qualifications of the people who can participate in watching the cinema, the technicality of ordering tickets online, and the use of air filtration masks for cleaning regularly.

Then, seating arrangements in the cinema must comply with 3M's principles, and there must be arrangements for the process of getting to and out of the cinema location.

Furthermore, Anies stated that cinema industry players are also subject to detailed regulation and strict supervision so that industry players provide services to the public without giving big risks.

"And for the community, when they carry out activities, they will be able to feel safe from the various studies actually conveyed," said Anies.

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