SURABAYA - Officers from the Surabaya Agricultural Quarantine Center (BBKP), East Java, thwarted the smuggling of thousands of chirping birds from Kalimantan. Acting Head of BBKP Surabaya Cicik Sri Sukarsih said as many as 2,719 endemic birds were confiscated by officers. protected chirping birds. It consists of five species, namely the sililin bird, parrot, pleci, srindit, and green cucak," he said, quoted by Antara, Tuesday, January 12. Two people from Kediri, East Java, are known to have brought the birds from Bahaur Harbor, Central Kalimantan. , riding a motorboat (KM) Drajat, each with the initials W and NN, was arrested when they arrived at Paciran Harbor, Lamongan. BBKP Surabaya officers found the birds, which were not accompanied by the documents, in cardboard, plastic baskets and wooden packages, which were by the two perpetrators were hidden in the engine deck and the bottom of the ship's deck. "All the birds brought by the two perpetrators had no documents," he said.

This case is recorded as the first known animal smuggling via sea transport that docks at a small port. Usually, animal smuggling by sea is always uncovered through the Tanjung Perak Port of Surabaya. While the suspect has not been determined, he is still undergoing examination," he said. Of the two perpetrators, one of them was confirmed to be the owner of the bird. "The other perpetrator is the driver," added Cicik. Meanwhile, information was obtained from perpetrators W and NN intending to sell them in the city of Surabaya and its surroundings. The thousands of birds have a total value estimated at Rp. 150 million. Number 21 of 2019 concerning Animal, Fish and Plant Quarantine, which carries a maximum penalty of two years in prison.

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