JAKARTA - Diligently washing the nasal cavity using a nose sanitizer is said to be one way to prevent transmission of the Omicron variant of COVID-19.

"We need to apply the motto within ourselves 'don't get infected and don't transmit'. To make this happen we must understand the mechanism of transmission, from the virus spreading in the air and falling on the surface of objects, coming into contact with us and entering our bodies through the port d'entre which none other than the nose, mouth and eyes, especially the nose which is our main respiratory tract," said health expert Achmad Sujudi in a press release, as reported by Antara, Wednesday, January 12.

According to him, the Omicron variant can be easily transmitted because an infected person can expel millions of viruses or the so-called viral load from the nasal cavity and throat (larynx pharynx) and can eject as far as about two meters.

"Therefore, how to avoid this virus must be done properly. In addition to the 3M we know, nose sanitizer is needed to protect the respiratory tract so that it becomes 4M," he said.

Nose sanitizer is claimed to be able to kill the COVID-19 virus and has been researched and proven abroad.

"4M is very important, besides washing hands with soap under running water for at least 20 seconds properly. Second, wearing a mask. Third, maintaining a minimum distance of 2 meters. One more thing that is very important is cleaning the nasal cavity using a nose sanitizer to kill the millions of viruses that are there that have the potential to infect other people because they are sprayed and infect themselves," said Achmad Sujudi.

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