JAKARTA - President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) inaugurated three Ambassadors Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Indonesia at the State Palace, Jakarta on Wednesday, January 12.

One of those inaugurated was the former Governor of Lemhanas, Agus Widjojo. He served as Ambassador of LBBP RI to the Republic of the Philippines concurrently to the Republic of the Marshall Islands and the Republic of Palau, based in Manila.

In the Presidential Secretariat's YouTube show, it appears that the inauguration of the three ambassadors was held under strict health protocols. Invited guests who attended wore masks and kept their distance.

Besides Agus, Jokowi also inaugurated two other people. They are Sunarko as LBBP RI Ambassador to the Republic of Sudan based in Khartoum and Fientje Maritje Suebu as LBBP RI Ambassador to New Zealand and concurrently Samoa, Kingdom of Tonga, Cook Islands and Niue, based in Wellington. President of the Republic of Indonesia (Keppres) Number 4/P of 2022 concerning the Appointment of Ambassadors Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Indonesia.

This letter was read by the Deputy for Administrative Affairs of the Ministry of State Secretariat, Nanik Purwanti. After the Presidential Decree was read, Jokowi then took the oath of office.

"By Allah I swear, by God I promise. That I, to be appointed as the LBBP Ambassador, will be loyal to the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia and will immediately implement the laws and regulations as straight as possible for the sake of the dharma of my service to the nation and state," Jokowi said followed by the Indonesian ambassadors.

"That in carrying out my duties, I will uphold the ethics of my position, work to the best of my ability, with a full sense of responsibility. That I will faithfully carry out all orders and instructions given by the central government and I will fulfill every obligation. which was entrusted to me as the LBBP Ambassador," he concluded.

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