JAKARTA - Ferdinand Hutahaean underwent a marathon examination at the Criminal Investigation Unit of the National Police regarding the alleged case of the hate speech 'Your God Is Weak' through his Twitter social media. Ferdinand was previously summoned to be examined as a witness reported.

Wearing a white shirt, Ferdinand was present at Police Headquarters Monday, January 10 morning. To reporters, the former Democrat Party politician admitted that he was ready to undergo investigation. Ferdinand is said to have started his examination at 10.30 western Indonesia time.

After undergoing examination for 11 hours or exactly at 21.30 western Indonesia time, investigators conducted a case. Armed with evidence of social media uploads, expert testimony, witnesses, and statements from Ferdinand, the case was carried out.

"Today, FH was examined as a witness this morning from 10.30 to 21.30 western Indonesia time. Then after the examination of FH's brother as a witness, a case was carried out, on the basis of examination of witnesses as well as expert witnesses, and the presence of evidence, a case was carried out," said the Head of the Public Information Bureau (Karo Penmas) of the Public Relations Division of the National Police, Brigadier General Ahmad Ramadhan, at the National Police Headquarters, Monday, January 10 evening.

According to Ramadhan, the results of the case carried out found evidence that led to the alleged criminal act. From here, the investigators raised the case to the investigation stage. Ferdinand's status, who was still a witness, turned into a suspect.

"After the case was carried out, the Ditsiber investigators had obtained 2 pieces of evidence in accordance with Article 184 of the Criminal Procedure Code, thus raising the status of FH's brother from witness to suspect," said Ramadhan.

After determining the suspect, investigators also detained Ferdinand Hutahaean. This is done based on the subjective reasons of the investigator.

"The first is subjective reason, it is feared that the person concerned will run away, repeat the act and remove the evidence. Meanwhile, the objective reason for the threat imposed on FH is more than 5 years," he said. The report follows his tweet on his Twitter account @FerdinandHaean3 about 'Your God is Weak'.

Ferdinand is suspected of violating Article 45 a paragraph 2 in conjunction with Article 28 paragraph 2, Law 11 of 2008 concerning ITE, and Article 14 paragraph 1 and paragraph 2 of the Criminal Code

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