BALIKPAPAN - The Meteorological, Climatological, and Geophysical Agency (BMKG) through the Meteorological Station Class I Sultan Aji Muhammad Sulaiman (SAMS) Sepinggan Balikpapan, issued an early warning for the East Kalimantan weather for three days in the form of heavy thunderstorms accompanied by strong winds.
"Several areas in East Kalimantan Province in three days, January 10-12 have the potential for heavy rain which can be accompanied by lightning or lightning and strong winds of short duration", said Forecaster for Class I Meteorological Station SAMS Sepinggan, Heni Herlina, in Balikpapan, quoted by Antara on Monday, January 10.
The impacts that can be caused by this incident are slippery roads, floods, fallen trees, landslides, and others so that the community and related parties such as Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) in each region are asked to anticipate the impact.
The area that has the potential to experience heavy rain which can be accompanied by lightning or lightning and strong winds of short duration is on Monday, January 10 in West Kutai Regency which includes Bentian Besar, Bongan, and Long Iram Districts.
Muara Wahau District in East Kutai Regency, a number of areas in Balikpapan City. North Penajam Paser Regency (PPU) which includes Babulu and Penajam Districts. Kelay District in Berau Regency.
In Paser Regency, it includes Batu Sopang and Tanah Grogot sub-districts, Mahakam Ulu Regency includes Laham, Long Apari, Laham, and Long Bangun sub-districts. Kutai Kartanegara Regency includes the Districts of Tenggarong, Muara Badak, Muara Jawa, and Tabang.
Then on Tuesday, January 11, it happened in Balikpapan City. Berau Regency includes Kelay District and Derawan Island. West Kutai includes the sub-districts of Bentian Besar, Tabang, Sendawar, Damai, Melak, Bongan, Long Iram, and Muara Pahu.
Paser Regency covers Batu Sopang and Tanah Grogot sub-districts. Mahakam Ulu covers the Districts of Laham, Long Apari, and Long Bagun. Penajam District in PPU. Tenggarong District in Kutai Kartanegara. Districts of Bengalon, Muara Ancalong, Muara Muntai, and Kongbeng in East Kutai.
"For Wednesday, January 12, heavy rain that can be accompanied by lightning or lightning and strong winds of a short duration has the potential to occur in Tanah Grogot, Bongan, Muara Java, Long Iram, Long Apari, Loa Janan Ilir, Bengalon, Sendawar, Damai, Kongbeng, Long Apari, and Damai District", said Heni.
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