SURABAYA - The Surabaya City Government (Pemkot) applies a 100 percent Face-to-face Learning (PTM) system with two shifts. For the first shift, the student capacity is 50 percent, and the second shift is 50 percent according to the conditions of each school.

"Alhamdulillah, today PAUD, TK, SD and SMP schools in the city of Surabaya are officially held 100 percent PTM. Why two shifts? We convince the parents that we also do the one meter requirement, so there are no piles," said the Guardian. City of Surabaya, Eri Cahyadi, in Surabaya, Monday, January 10.

Eri Cahyadi ensured that PTM activities in Surabaya were in accordance with what was expected. For example, in schools, hand washing facilities, temperature measuring devices and PeduliLindung barcodes are available. "When entering school, there is a distance between benches, at least 1 meter or 100 cm. Because there is a distance of 1 cm, it's not 100 percent enough. That's why we make two shifts, but still 100 percent, just not at one time. So the first 6.30 - 10.00 WIB, the second at 10.00 - 13.00 WIB," he said.

Eri Cahyadi hopes that the guardians of students, especially from elementary school students, will give permission for their children to take part in PTM. Although in the Joint Decree (SKB) of the four Ministers it is no longer necessary, but the permission from the student's guardian is considered very important.

"God willing, as we walk from the city government and DPRD while evaluating, we will require all entries to be 100 percent, but still with two shifts," he said.

In implementing this PTM, continued Eri Cahyadi, students are not given time off to leave class, so all activities are carried out in class. Even the canteen and library were temporarily closed, to make it easier for teachers to control students and make evaluations easier.

"This is a form of our endeavor. After all, if we use hybrid education, the character of a great soul will also be lost. If we continue to be online, children will become individualists. So the city government and DPRD convince us to dare to do it (PTM) and we will try it," he said.

Meanwhile, a member of Commission D of the Surabaya DPRD, Herlina Harsono Njoto, said that the implementation of PTM was 100 percent in accordance with the determined progress. Starting from the application of a distance of 1 meter between students to be carried out in 2 shifts.

"I hope that later monitoring and evaluation will be carried out in stages, as well as monitoring the conditions of the pandemic in Surabaya. So that later when the pandemic is under control, it can really be increased to 100 percent of PTM in schools," said Herlina.

Even so, Herlina also hopes that there will be exceptions for students who do have health problems. According to him, absolutely students who cannot take PTM due to health problems cannot be said to be skipping school.

"I hope (PTM) will continue to prioritize health, safety and comfort factors. Putting the health of children first must then be the main priority," he said.

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