KULON PROGO - The Kulon Progo Regency Government has taken a special approach to parents who forbid their children to be vaccinated against COVID-19.

The district government hopes that with this approach parents have adequate understanding so that they then support their children to be vaccinated to prevent transmission of the new coronavirus with its variants.

The head of the Kulon Progo Health Service, Sri Budi Utami, said that so far there are 87 children aged 6-11 years whose parents have refused to be vaccinated.

"The step we are taking is to approach by asking for help from people who are respected by the group," he explained in Kulon Progo, Yogyakarta Special Region, Antara, Monday, January 10.

If the reason for refusal is because of belief, his party also takes a religious approach. His party will present religious leaders who according to them can provide input and advice so that their children are allowed to be vaccinated.

As for children who are prohibited from being vaccinated by their parents, most are in the Districts of Galur, Lendah, and Sentolo.

"If medically we can't get through so that their child can be vaccinated, we will try another way," he said.

The head of the Kulon Progo COVID-19 Task Force, Fajar Gegana, appealed to parents whose children have not been vaccinated to immediately register at the nearest puskesmas or school that carried out the vaccination.

Regarding parents who have not allowed their children to be vaccinated for religious and other reasons, he appealed for their children to be vaccinated. This is because with the Omicron variant of COVID-19, everyone does not know the potential for exposure.

"Based on the information, this Omicron variant is faster and more virulent than other COVID-19 variants. This is a common concern for us and we must anticipate it, one of which is vaccination," Fajar said.

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