JAKARTA - Chairman of the Indonesian Cinema Management Association (GPBSI) Djonny Syafruddin stated that his party is ready to accept regulations and follow instructions related to reopening film screenings after government approval.

Cinemas that will operate again include Cinema XXI, CGV, Cinepolis, Dakota Cinema, Platinum, Flix Cinema, City Cinema, Lotte Cinema, New Star Cineplex as well as independent cinemas in several areas.

"We are ready to receive a decree as well as a number of regulatory directives which will be determined by the central and regional governments regarding the re-implementation of cinema operations," said Djonny in his statement, Wednesday, August 26.

Djonny is committed to implementing strict health protocols in cinemas. Among them are the obligation to use masks for employees and visitors, check body temperature, and apply physical distancing.

"We urge non-cash transactions or take advantage of online ticket reservations, as well as to keep hands clean," said Djonny.

Djonny agreed with the statement of the Spokesperson for the COVID-19 Handling Task Force Wiku Adisasmito that watching movies, indirectly, can increase body immunity.

"The role of cinema for society has very great benefits, among others, it can increase people's immunity and happiness through positive entertainment, making people physically and mentally healthy," he said.

Djonny hopes that there will be good cooperation from the community when watching at the cinema to comply with the regulations set by the government in order to minimize the spread of COVID-19.

"Let us pray together that all preparations can go well and the cinema can carry out operational activities again, and can make a positive contribution to the nation's economy without forgetting health protocols," he explained.

As is known, the COVID-19 Handling Task Force allows local governments to allow the reopening of cinemas in their areas.

Wiku Adisasmito, Chairman of the COVID-19 Handling Task Force Expert Team, said watching cinema activities can increase the body's immunity in the face of COVID-19. Because, if people feel entertained when watching a movie, then the body's immunity will be strong.

"The cinema indeed has important characteristics and important contributions, especially in providing entertainment to the community, because people's immunity can also increase because they are happy," said Wiku.

Wiku said, there are a number of things that need to be considered when the manager will re-open the cinema. First, all employees must understand the application of health protocols. Then, make sure that the lines in and out of the cinema facilities are strictly guarded.

"Queue by maintaining a good distance of at least 1.5 meters, so there is no contact between visitors," said Wiku.

Wiku suggested that the age of visitors who are allowed to enter the cinema is limited, namely in the age range of 12 years to under 60 years.

In addition, it is endeavored for visitors not to have other comorbidities such as heart disease, diabetes, lung disease, kidney disease, and other low immunity diseases.

"Visitors must be in good health, no coughing symptoms, fever more than 38 degrees Celsius, sore throat, cold or flu, sneezing, and shortness of breath," he said.

Wiku requires viewers to always wear a mask from the start of entering the cinema, theater room, until after watching a film. While watching, try not to eat and drink.

Then, there needs to be an arrangement to maintain the distance between seats in watching, so that there is no contact between visitors, as well as no contact with the officers who work.

"All visitors always use masks in an orderly manner while inside the theater. We recommend that masks be used at least with the same filtration capability of surgical masks. This is to ensure that there is no potential transmission between visitors," explained Wiku.

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