JAKARTA - The Director General of Population and Civil Registration (Dirjen Dukcapil) of the Ministry of Home Affairs, Zudan Arif Fakrulloh, has an important message for the public to maintain the confidentiality of their respective population documents.

If the residency document is no longer used because a new document has been made, Zudan asks the public to destroy it as soon as possible. He also forbade the document to be sold by the kilo with other unused paper for profit.

"When they are not used, then they are destroyed, burned, torn, or simply destroyed. Do not sell population documents that are no longer in use, sold by the kilos together with newsprint, unused papers, so as not to be misused," Zudan was quoted as saying. from the official website of the Ministry of Home Affairs on Sunday, January 9.

Although this appeal is not new, Zudan feels the need to warn again. Because, there are still cases of private data leaks that are spread to the public.

"I need to emphasize this because not only the community, but many offices are also doing this," said Zudan.

Then, Zudan also appealed to the public not to arbitrarily upload various residence documents containing personal data on various social media, such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and so on.

"If we just search on Google, there's a lot of data showing up regarding our e-KTP, KK, passport, account number, NPWP, BPJS number. In fact, Law Number 24 of 2013 Article 95A explicitly states that anyone who without the right to disseminate population data and personal data will be sentenced to imprisonment and/or fined, "explained Zudan.

Regarding the confidentiality of residence documents, Zudan emphasized that it is not only the government's obligation to protect them.

Because, referring to Article 79 paragraph (1) of Law Number 24 of 2013, the community also has a very important role because the population document is in the hands of the community itself.

“The population document is the one that keeps the residents themselves, not in the Dukcapil anymore. So whoever we are, let's keep our residence documents," he added.

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