PALEMBANG - Seven police chiefs in the ranks of the South Sumatra Police were replaced along with five main officials (PJU) whose handover was led directly by the South Sumatran Police Chief Inspector General Toni Harmanto.

The five main officials who were handed over to their positions, namely the Karolog Polda of South Sumatra, were held by Kombes Saidal Mursalin, who previously served as Pamen of HR of the National Police, assigned by the Indonesian National Defense Institute to replace the position left by Kombes Muhlis, who was retiring.

Then, the Dirintelkam of the South Sumatra Police, which was handed over from Kombes Ratno Kuncoro to Kombes Iskandar Fitriana Sutisna, who previously served as Director of Security Obvits for the Central Java Police and Kombes Ratno Kuncoro, shifted to Main Analyst level 1 of the National Police Baintelkam.

Furthermore, the Director of Criminal Investigation of the South Sumatra Police, Kombes Hisar Siallagan, was handed over to Kombes Muhammad Anwar Reksowidjojo, who was previously Head of Sub-Directorate II of the Directorate of Drug Anti-Drugs, Bareskrim, Police.

Furthermore, Kombes Hisar Siallagan occupied the new post of Kabagbindikwa Robindiklat and Training of the Police.

The Head of the Propam Division of the South Sumatra Police, Kombes Sofiandi, was appointed as the Head of the Library Division of Wakatbinminwa STIK Lemdiklat Polri, while his position was replaced by Kombes Agus Halimudin, who previously served as Main Investigator of the Provos Bureau of the Divpropam Polri.

Furthermore, the Dansat Brimob of the South Sumatra Police, Kombes Yudo Nugroho Sugianto, was handed over to Kombes Donyar Kusumadji, whose previous position was the Intermediary Factoring of the Mobile Brigade of the Brimob Police Corps. Meanwhile, Kombes Yudo Nugroho Sugianto is in the context of participating in the XLIX Sesko Dikreg TNI FY 2022.

Meanwhile, the Kasatwil who was replaced, namely the Palembang Police Chief from Kombes Irvan Prawira Satyaputra who will take part in the 31st Diksespimti Polri Direg FY 2022, was handed over to a new official, Kombes Mokhamad Ngajib, who previously served as Middle Factoring Bid Paminal Div Propam Polri.

Then the Muara Enim Police Chief AKBP Aris Rusdiyanto, who previously served as Head of the Central Java Regional Police's Head of the Central Java Regional Police's Propam Division, replaced AKBP Danny H Ardiantara B Sianipar who was transferred to the Head of the Dalkara Baganev Subdivision, Robinopsnal, Criminal Investigation Unit of the Police.

Banyuasin Police Chief AKBP Imam Tarmudi was promoted to Wadirbinmas Polda Sumsel and his old position was handed over to AKBP Imam Safi'i, who previously served as Kasubbid Paminal Bid Propam NTT Police.

Furthermore, Pali Police Chief AKBP Efrannedy, who previously served as Musirawas Police Chief, replaced AKBP Rizal Agus Triadi, who was promoted to Head of Dalops Roops Division at the South Sumatra Police.

Furthermore, the Head of Musirawas Police was held by AKBP Achmad Gusti Hartono whose previous position as Lahat Police Chief was replaced by AKBP Eko Sumaryanto, who previously served as North Musirawas Police Chief.

The position of AKBP Eko Sumaryanto as North Musi Rawas Police Chief was replaced by AKBP Ferly Rosa Putra Sik who previously served as Pamen Ro HR of the South Sumatra Police in the context of FPU assignments.

The South Sumatra Police Chief thanked the old officials for their innovation and dedication so far who have served at the South Sumatra Police and hoped to be more successful in their new place.

"To the newly inaugurated officials, they must immediately adjust to the situation in their workplace, so that they can carry out their duties more actively and enthusiastically in serving the community," he said.

According to him, the mutation carried out today is a normal thing in the Polri organization.

"The first is the refresher of personnel and the second is the promotion of the person concerned in his duties and performances given by the National Police Chief directly," said the Kapolda.

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