JAKARTA - The PDI-P has a stockpile of qualified cadres to be champions in the DKI Regional Head Elections. Names such as Tri Rismaharini and Gibran Rakabuming are examples and are always on the Jakarta governor election exchange.
Secretary General of the DPP PDI-P (PDIP) Hasto Kristiyanto was asked specifically about the chances of these two names to become Cagub DKI. Risma is currently serving as Minister of Social Affairs. If Gibran is still busy leading the city of Solo.
Hasto explained, Risma has proven her leadership for two periods in Surabaya. Risma has made significant changes such as caring for the environment to city planning.
"Bu Risma in leadership for 2 periods in the city of Surabaya was able to show significant changes in cultural changes. So that the people of Surabaya, we see now taking good care of the environment by carrying out urban planning that reflects the beauty of the city of Surabaya," said Hasto on the sidelines of attending the Companion Culinary Festival. Rice at the PDIP Party School Building on Jalan Lenteng Agung, South Jakarta, Friday 7 January.
Meanwhile, Gibran still needs to prove his leadership in Solo, as did Risma. Hasto said, Gibran asked Risma a lot for knowledge in leading Solo.

"Ms. Risma is one of the teachers who conveys various strategic aspects about how to build a city to be more humane, so that every citizen works together with full awareness, beautifies the city, and then brings progress to every citizen," explained Hasto.
"Mas Gibran, he has been elected as Mayor of Solo, of course, he must also prove how Mas Gibran's leadership is so that the ideological leadership that puts forward the culture of the archipelago, and is able to bring about systemic changes as has been done by Mrs. Risma can also be carried out by Mas Gibran," Hasto said.
However, Hasto emphasized that PDIP is not just Gibran and Risma. Hasto then mentioned the name of Abdullah Azwar Anas, who has also been and is considered to have succeeded in leading Banyuwangi for two periods. There is also Hendrar Prihadi or Mas Hendy, the Mayor of Semarang who is also considered a successful young figure.
From Ngawi, East Java, Hasto said that PDIP had Budi Sulistyono or better known as Mas Kanang, who also ruled for two terms and was considered successful. From Bali, there is the Regent of Gianyar I Made 'Agus' Mahayastra.
"There are quite a lot of candidate leaders, because of the regeneration process in party schools, they deserve to be nominated in Jakarta. But the current priority scale for PDI-P is to strengthen the entire party network to touch all levels of society in Jakarta," said Hasto.
Whoever will be elected later, PDIP wants the Governor of DKI to have performance standards at the level of Jokowi, Ahok, and Djarot Saiful Hidayat. This is because PDIP is aware that Jakarta is still facing various problems, such as unresolved flooding. Or a city plan that can make all residents of DKI Jakarta feel 'at home' and get a decent life.
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