JAYAPURA - Heavy rains hit Jayapura City from Thursday-Friday 6-7 January, causing flooding and landslides in a number of areas in Jayapura City and District.

Kodim 1701/Jayapura, whose territory includes the City and District of Jayapura, dispatched personnel to immediately assist and evacuate communities affected by floods and landslides.

Dandim 1701/Jayapura Lt. Col. Richard Arnold Y. Sangari, said that currently personnel from each of his ranks along with relevant agencies have gone to the field to help the affected communities.

Dandim said that from the data collected by field personnel, several flood and landslide points were in the North Jayapura District, several points in the South Jayapura District were flooded, in Abepura District there were several flood points and in the Sentani District, Kab. Jayapura also has several flood and landslide points.

Dandim revealed that up to now, 6 people have died due to landslides that occurred in North Jayapura District, to be exact, one person in Klofkamp Village, three people in Trikora Village and two people in Bhayangkara Village. For data on material losses, data collection is still being carried out.

"Currently, existing personnel from the TNI-Polri and related agencies are still on standby and continue to evacuate affected communities to safer places. However, there are some people who are trying to survive in their homes because the water has started to recede," said Richard in an official statement received by VOI, Friday, January 7.

The Dandim advised the public to remain vigilant against potential aftershocks. "And for people whose homes have the potential to experience landslides, they must secure themselves to a safer place," he said.

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