BANDA ACEH - Specialist personnel of Jatanras Satreskrim Polresta Banda Aceh arrested a father in Aceh Besar district with the initials SB (54), for allegedly having sexually abused his stepson for three years.

"The SB perpetrator has been detained by Jatanras officers at his house, arrested without a fight," said Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the Banda Aceh Police, Kompol M Ryan Citra Yudha, quoted by Antara, Thursday, January 6.

Ryan said the heartbreaking incident occurred since the victim was six years old until he is now nine years old. This means that it will be carried out from 2019 to 2021.

The incident was revealed after the victim reported the incident that happened to her to her biological father, until it was reported to the Banda Aceh Police.

"The incident was known based on the victim's complaint to his father. He told me that since 2019 he had been raped and abused by his stepfather," he said.

Ryan said that the victim's stepfather's depraved act was carried out when his house was empty. In carrying out the action, the perpetrator did not know the place, from the bedroom to the bathroom.

Currently, said Ryan, the perpetrator of SB is languishing in the detention cell of the Banda Aceh Police, to be later handled by the Women and Children Protection Unit (PPA).

"The perpetrators will be charged with Article 49 in conjunction with Article 47 of Aceh Qanun Number 6 of 2014 concerning Jinayat Law," said Commissioner Ryan.

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