MEDAN - The act of extortion from motorbike rickshaw pullers in the city of Medan was recorded and widely circulated on social media. The practice of extortion occurred at a gas station on Jalan Denai, Medan City.

In the 36-second video that was viewed on Wednesday, January 5, a man in a hat can be seen asking for Rp. 10,000 from a number of men who were in the car.

However, the man who was in the car only wanted to give him Rp. 5,000.

"During the goceng (Rp. 5,000), my brother gave me a share, while there, it was Rp. 30,000," said the man in the hat.

After arguing, the man who was in the car was willing to give Rp. 10,000. The man in the hat looked displeased and said that he was from one of the youth organizations (OKP).

Separately, the Head of Criminal Investigation at the Medan Polrestabes, Kompol M Firdaus, said when confirmed that the incident occurred on Monday, January 3, at 12:10 WIB.

"The victim has already made a police report," said Kompol Firdaus to VOI, Wednesday, January 5, evening.

Kompol Firdaus explained that the incident began when the victim, Irwansyah Siregar, came driving a car along with his colleague. Then do the loading and unloading of goods.

"When it was almost finished unloading, the perpetrators totaling 2 people came and immediately asked for money by asking for money on behalf of an organization," he explained.

Because he didn't want a commotion, the victim immediately gave him Rp. 30,000. Furthermore, the perpetrator named Rudi Sugara said that the money was still lacking.

"The perpetrator asked the victim to add Rp. 10,000 songs for security money. Then the victim did not give it on the pretext of not having any more money, then the perpetrator blocked the victim's car by threatening not to be able to leave," he said.

Because he didn't want a fuss, the victim finally gave it as requested while recording the perpetrator's actions.

Kompol Firdaus said, currently his party has secured the perpetrators of extortion. The perpetrator is a rickshaw driver named Rudi Sugara (42).

"The perpetrator was arrested on Tuesday, January 4, afternoon. When questioned by officers, the perpetrator admitted that he had blackmailed the victim. The perpetrator has extorted 20 times against other people using the security money mode," he said.

In addition, the perpetrator admitted that the money from extortion was handed over to his leader, whose initials were MM.

"Currently, the perpetrator has been detained," he said.

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