ACEH - The Aceh Health Service stated that the case of COVID-19 variant B.1.1.529 (Omicron) had not been detected. However, the public is still asked to increase vigilance in the midst of the ongoing spread of the corona virus.

"Alhamdulillah, until now there have been no reports of cases of Omicron in Aceh," said the Head of Disease Prevention and Control (P2P) of the Aceh Health Office, Iman Cheapman in Banda Aceh, quoted from Antara, Wednesday, January 5.

Iman said the Aceh Government's COVID-19 Handling Task Force (Satgas) team continued to check and track new cases of the corona virus in Tanah Rencong.

However, to detect the Omicron variant of COVID-19, continued Iman, special examinations are needed in the laboratory, one of which can be carried out at the Aceh Health Research and Development Agency (Balitbangkes) in Siron, Aceh Besar District.

"Checks to detect Omicron can be carried out at Balitbangkes Siron, Aceh Besar, and Alhamdulillah in Aceh there have been no cases of Omicron," said Iman.

According to Iman, actually the Omicron variant of COVID-19 is not dangerous in terms of the severity of the patient, but dangerous at the level of transmission that is so massive.

"Transmission can reach three to 10 times that of other COVID-19 variants," said Iman.

In terms of symptoms remain the same. Only Omicron sufferers feel a lot of sweating at night. The Aceh Health Office asked the public to increase vigilance, by being disciplined in implementing health protocols such as wearing masks, maintaining distance, washing hands, avoiding crowds and reducing mobility.

To date, according to data from the Aceh COVID-19 Task Force, accumulatively COVID-19 cases have reached 38,431 people, of which 36,363 have recovered, 2,066 have died, and two are still under medical treatment. .

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