KALTENG - Director of the Regional Public Service Agency (BLUD) at Pulang Pisau Hospital, Central Kalimantan, Dr. Muliyanto Budihardjo, said that the enactment of a Regional Regulation (Perda) related to the adjustment of the increase in health service rates had no impact and burdened patients.

"This adjustment does not have a direct impact on patients, but more specifically to the increase in claims for medical treatment for which there has been no adjustment for years," said Muliyanto at Pulang Pisau, Antara, Tuesday, January 4.

Muliyanto said that with the changes to this regional regulation, it would further improve the services provided to patients. BPJS Health claims for medical services or actions, of course, must be adapted to current conditions.

"On average, BPJS patients are treated, and now there are only a few patients from the general category," said Muliyanto.

Unlike in the past, where many patients were in the general category and received priority treatment, now medical personnel prefer to treat BPJS patients because the claims for the medical treatment provided are clear and measurable.

The adjustment to the increase in medical treatment rates also does not exceed BPJS claims. Muliyanto explained, an example of an adjustment to the increase in medical treatment rates is like surgery. For example, one operation along with supporting drugs previously cost Rp. 1.4 million but in reality the current condition reaches Rp. 3 million.

This means that it is necessary to adjust how hospitals are not minus and medical personnel such as doctors and nurses also receive incentives from medical actions given to patients. "The increase is only on certain items, not all," said Muliyanto.

To improve services at Pulang Pisau Hospital, there are several targets to be achieved apart from being accredited as a five-star hospital. One of them is building ICU facilities for children and dialysis services which are expected to be achieved by the end of 2022.

He said the addition of the children's ICU facility had the support of the Ministry of Health. Gradually the equipment and medical personnel continued to be upgraded at the local hospital, considering that the mortality rate for children was still quite high.

For example, child mortality during delivery, premature birth, and the presence of comorbidities and it is hoped that the existence of a pediatric ICU at Pulang Pisau Hospital can be a priority and a place of reference for people in need.

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