GORONTALO - North Gorontalo Health Office (Dinkes), Gorontalo immediately gave COVID-19 vaccinations to holders of illegal or fake certificates.

"We managed to find dozens of illegal COVID-19 vaccination certificate holders trying to cross the border or the entrance to Gorontalo. Those caught were immediately handed over to officers to be injected with the vaccine and given education regarding the importance of the vaccination," said Head of the North Gorontalo Health Service, Rizal Yusuf Kune quoted by Antara, Monday, January 3.

Dozens of people who were found using the illegal certificates were dominated by people or residents from outside the area.

After being checked by the point check officer, it turned out that the certificate was illegal or fake.

"The name in the certificate is only scanned, so when it is checked, the Resident Identification Number (NIK) that appears does not match the name of the holder," he said.

His party, said Rizal, has coordinated with vaccination officers and the TNI and Polri at all check points at every border entrance in the region. If you find something similar, the vaccine should be injected according to the applicable procedure.

"We need to be firm, the goal is to protect the public and break the chain of transmission of the COVID-19 pandemic," he said.

"Because people who have been injected with the vaccine will certainly have the immune system or antibodies against the Corona virus," he continued.

In addition, to anticipate people claiming to have been vaccinated, checking through a barcode scan caring for protection has been implemented at all border check points.

He hoped that there would be no more people entering this area, nor any targets for the COVID-19 vaccination who used illegal certificates to trick the officers.

"We continue to carry out education in addition to efforts to exceed the COVID-19 vaccination target for all doses for the target spread in 123 villages in 11 sub-districts," he added.

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