JAKARTA - Chairman of the DPD RI AA LaNyalla Mahmud Mattalitti is one of the figures who signed the Man of The Year 2021 support plaque to Habib Muhammad Rizieq Shihab.

The initiator of the support, Lieus Sungkharisma said the signing was a form of support for the figure of Habib Rizieq who consistently fought for the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia and Pancasila.

“Habib Rizieq always said that Islam is not against Pancasila. Even the contribution of Muslims in the independence of this country is very large. So Muslims must be at the forefront to defend the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia,” said Lieus in an electronic message received in Jakarta, Friday, December 31.

Lieus deliberately asked LaNyalla to join in signing the support, because of the common vision of nationality and the values of Pancasila that the DPD RI Chairperson championed.

"I follow the news of Mr. LaNyalla who is concerned with the struggle to restore the values of Pancasila as the way of life of this nation. And of course the final attitude towards the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia. Therefore, I asked him to be one of the figures who signed the coronation of Habib Rizieq's Man of the Year 2021," he explained.

Rizieq's award is in the form of a 1x1 meter placard with a red and white background, on it are the signatures of five figures. This award was initiated by the Community Cares for the Republic of Indonesia.

Besides LaNyalla, four other figures also signed the endorsement, namely, Constitutional Law expert Refly Harun, Former Commissioner of National Human Rights Commission Natalius Pigai, Rocky Gerung, and former minister Rizal Ramli.

LaNyalla added that he, as the chairman of the DPD RI, which is a representative of the region and non-partisan groups, is obliged to protect all levels of society.

“DPD must be in a position not to be constrained by any interests. But purely as representatives of the region and all groups. The senator must be a statesman. Not a politician," he said.

LaNyalla added that he was raised by an organization that is used to protecting all levels of society. “I grew up in the Pancasila Youth Organization. Let alone the figure of Habib or religious leaders, we just embrace street thugs and invite organizations, "he added.

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