JAKARTA - Deputy Chairperson of the Gelora Party, Fahri Hamzah, also poked fun at the Chairperson of the Indonesian Solidarity Party (PSI) Giring Ganesha after his statement about an unfit person to replace Joko Widodo as president of the Republic of Indonesia.

Fahri advised Giring that being a vocalist in a band would be different from being a vocalist in politics.

According to him, to become a vocalist in a band is quite easy, because there must be many admirers. Meanwhile, to become a political vocalist, Giring Ganesha will have many haters and opposition.

Screenshot of @Fahrihamzah's Twitter

"The first one (the vocalist of the band) clapped a lot and the second (the vocalist of the party) gave a lot of interruptions," said Fahri through his personal Twitter account, Thursday, December 30. Fahri also commented on the moment when Giring attacked the Governor of DKI Jakarta Anies Baswedan in several forums created by PSI.

According to the former deputy chairman of the DPR, the Giring attack was good. However, Fahri criticized, Giring should not run away immediately.

Giring, said Fahri, must face all incoming criticism and interruptions, if necessary to counterattack.

"Don't run away let alone hide behind other people. Especially with the president's name. He doesn't like it. He wants you to fight yourself," he said.

As previously reported, PSI General Chair Giring Ganesha opened the culmination of his party's 7th anniversary. In his remarks, Giring alluded to a person who is not worthy of replacing President Jokowi later. "Progress will be threatened if in the future the person who replaces Pak Jokowi is a person who has a track record of using SARA issues and justifies any means to win in the elections," said Giring in his remarks held publicly. virtual, Wednesday, December 22.

This was Giring's second statement that offended a regional head. Where he judged that the person did not deserve to be elected if he ran for president.

In his first statement, Giring clearly mentioned the Governor of DKI Jakarta, Anies Baswedan.

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