JAYAPURA - A total of 11 villages in Waan District, Merauke Regency, Papua experienced tidal flooding due to high tides.

"Due to the tidal flood experienced by residents in 11 villages, they cannot go to the gardens, so they feel grateful for the assistance from the Merauke Regional Government," said Babinsa Koramil 1707/Merauke Kodim 1707/Merauke Serda Kusnul Muzami, in Waan, Merauke Regency, quoted by Antara, Thursday. , December 30.

Serda Kusnul stated that the assistance provided was very meaningful, because due to the tidal flood, residents were unable to go to the gardens or hunt to meet their daily needs.

Tidal floods often hit the area, but the impact did not cause casualties.

The assistance will later be handed over to residents who have experienced disasters, said Serda Kusnul while hoping that the assistance can relieve the community.

"Thank God, the assistance from the Merauke Regional Government has arrived in Waan District and was immediately distributed to communities affected by flooding due to high tides," said Serda Kusnul.

The assistance provided was in the form of rice, milk, instant noodles, eggs, and bottled water.

Waan district is located close to the Indian Ocean which can be reached by boats and small planes such as the Cessna.

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