JAKARTA - One of the decisions made by Ahlu halli wal aqdi (AHWA) at the NU Congress in Lampung asked Rais Aam PBNU KH Miftachul Akhyar to no longer be a leader in any organization. KH Miftachul Akhyar who is now also the Head of MUI has agreed. But Anwar Abbas tried to shake the AHWA's decision.

The Deputy Chairperson of the MUI expressly expressed his desire that KH Miftachul Akhyar is allowed to lead the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI). He hopes that anyone can lobby so that NU wants to pass Rais Aam to keep his dual position.

"I really ask my NU friends to lobby anyone who can be lobbied so that our general chairman remains the general chairman of MUI," said Anwar when opening the National Coordination Meeting of the MUI Disaster Management Agency (Rakornas LPB - MUI) at the Alia Cikini Hotel, last week.

"Although KH Miftachul Akhyar was elected Rais Aam, I think he can also do the work of the Indonesian Ulema Council," said Anwar again.

He said, MUI needed the presence of KH Miftachul Akhyar as a leader. He also expressed his admiration for the leadership of KH Miftachul Akhyar.

"I see his grace in leading the Indonesian Ulema Council. His humility is a capital to lead the organization," he explained.

Rais Aam PBNU KH Miftachul Akhyar (Photo: BPMI Setpres/Lukas)

Moreover, said Anwar, during the leadership of KH Miftachul Akhyar during this pandemic, activities within the MUI were actually more productive.

"For that, from the bottom of our hearts we ask Nahdlatul Ulama for the generosity of allowing Rais Aam PBNU to continue his duties as General Chair of the Indonesian Ulema Council," he concluded.

In one of the plenary meetings of the NU congress, AHWA asked Rais Aam to focus on developing NU. Miftachul Akhyar is expected not to hold concurrent positions and this request has been approved by AHWA.

"There are AHWA members who argue, among other things, that if you want to become Rais Aam Nahdlatul Ulama 2021-2026, you are expected not to hold concurrent positions in other organizations. There is such a view and it was agreed by all AHWA members that Rais Aam focuses on fostering and developing the Jamiyah Nahdlatul Ulama in the future," said Zainal Abidin some time ago.

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