JAKARTA - The National Counter-Terrorism Agency (BNPT) said that Jamaah Islamiyah (JI) and Jamaah Ansharut Daulah (JAD) were the two organizations that were most heavily prosecuted by law enforcement officers throughout 2021.

Of the 364 cases handled by the National Police's Anti-Terror Detachment 88 in 2021, 178 of them involved JI members and 154 were related to JAD members.

"We know that JI and JAD have been declared banned by the district court," said BNPT Head, Commissioner General Pol Boy Rafli Amar, when delivering his institution's Year-End Notes in Jakarta, as reported by Antara, Tuesday, December 29.

In addition to JAD and JI, Densus 88 has also taken action on 16 cases related to members of the East Indonesia Mujahidin (MIT) and the remaining 16 were connected to members of the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI), Boy Rafli said.

If one observes the development, the majority of those arrested are still at the stage of examination and investigation.

There are around 332 cases still being investigated by Densus 88 investigators, while three terrorism cases have been transferred to the prosecutor's office.

Meanwhile, if it is observed from monthly arrests, the most prosecutions occurred in March with 79 cases, April 74 cases, and August 62 cases.

In the same activity, the Head of BNPT conveyed several terrorist organizations that are still quite active in Indonesia besides JI, JAD, and MIT, including Jamaah Ansharul Khilafah (JAK), Jamaah Ansharusy Khalifah (JAS), and the Islamic State of Indonesia (NII).

In his presentation, Boy pointed out that the JAK group is currently divided into two groups, namely JAK led by Arham alias Abu Hilya which focuses on developing Imam Ahmad's Quran House and charities, while the other group is led by Suherman who focuses on managing Baitul Mal Watanwil.

Baitul Mal Watanwil is an aid agency that provides compensation to widows left behind by JAK fighters.

Then, JAS is a terror network organization centered in West Java and Central Java. Many of his activities are related to politics and some of its members have joined the FPI.

Then, JAD, which has been designated as a banned organization by the government, is believed to be still actively operating in these areas and spreading propaganda on social media.

JAD is believed to be still recruiting members and sympathizers through the construction of Islamic boarding schools.

JI, which was also banned by the court, is also still active but is not led by a specific figure. BNPT believes that JI is driven by coordinators spread across various regions.

Finally, NII is believed to be still active, especially in the fields of da'wah, economic strengthening, and enforcement of the Shari'a. The NII recruitment process is currently carried out through three stages, namely initial recruitment, training of new members, and regeneration.

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