JAKARTA - The West Jakarta Metro Police have named an online taxi driver with the initials GJ as a suspect in the case of assaulting an online taxi passenger, NT (25) which occurred in the Tambora area, West Jakarta, on Thursday, December 23. The Head of Public Relations of the Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Pol. Endra Zulpan said the criminal act committed by the perpetrator was mistreatment of the victim by slapping and kicking the victim. Kombes Pol Zulpan continued, at that time the victim along with her sister, the woman initials JT, had just returned from a friend's birthday party in the North Jakarta area. Then after the event, they returned to their home in the West Jakarta area to order a taxi online using an application.

Then came the online taxi car driven by the suspect GJ. "On the way to the victim's house according to the order in the online taxi application, the victim felt nauseous and told the driver to stop for a while because he wanted to vomit," said Pol Zulpan, which was broadcast live on the Instagram account @polres_jakbar, Tuesday, December 28. The car had not had time to stop, he continued, but because he could no longer hold back his nausea, the victim opened the car window. The victim and her brother sat in the middle. "Then he opened the vomit window. The vomit hit the car body," he said. Arriving at the victim's house, the suspect's driver asked for an additional fee of Rp. 300 thousand on the grounds that the victim vomited for the cost of cleaning the vehicle. "The victim was only able to provide a fee of 50 thousand. Then a verbal argument ensued. During the altercation the suspect suddenly grabbed the victim's chin, then the victim pushed the grip away," he said. So that the suspect was emotional and slapped and continued with kicking the victim. The incident attracted the attention of local residents and was finally resolved. The suspect went home. Meanwhile, the victim was injured and reported to the Tambora Police after two hours after the incident. "The Tambora Police Chief received a report and a post-mortem of the victim. It was stated that there were injuries from the blow so an investigation was carried out. Then on Friday, Tambora Police investigators made an arrest in the Slipi Mall area, West Jakarta," he said. The perpetrators were examined by investigators, then the perpetrators admitted their actions. "Investigators have determined the person concerned as a suspect, the suspect is charged with Article 351 of the Criminal Code. The suspect has been detained at the Tambora Police. The evidence is from the post-mortem results of the victim at the hospital. This accelerates the response to public reports," said Kombes Pol Zulpan.

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