JAKARTA - Head of Public Relations Division of PPK Gelora Bung Karno (GBK) Dwi Putranto responded to an upload of a misunderstanding between GBK security officers and people with disabilities on the Instagram account @koalisipejalankaki which had gone viral on social media.

According to him, the GBK management allows people with disabilities to enter the GBK area for activities.

"Visitors with disabilities may enter. We have evaluated these officers," said Head of Public Relations Division of PPK Gelora Bung Karno (GBK) Dwi Putranto when confirmed by VOI, Tuesday, December 28.

Dwi said that his party apologized for the inconvenience of visitors due to a misunderstanding by officers in the field.

"It's okay (until the next time)," he said.

Dwi said that his party will immediately make improvements regarding security procedures in the GBK area.

"We will evaluate the security officers," he said.

Previously, it was reported that a video of a debate between persons with disabilities and security guards at the entrance of GBK Senayan, Central Jakarta, regarding the prohibition of wheelchair users from entering the Gelora Bung Karno (GBK) area occurred and was uploaded on Instagram social media @koalisipejalankaki. it says GBK gets a red card from a disability. The debate arose when officers forbade people with disabilities to be active in the GBK area.

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