KENDARI - The arrival of President Joko Widodo on a working visit to Southeast Sulawesi for two days, 27-28 December 2021, had a positive impact on road conditions in Wonua Moringi Village, Morosi District, Konawe Regency. The roads are now paved with concrete.

Concerned with the condition of the 1.5- kilometer-long road in the village, PT Virtu Dragon Nickel Industri (VDNI), a mining company in the area, assisted in completing the work by constructing the concrete road.

One of the community leaders in the village, Syarif said that the road construction involved local workers as well as foreign workers (TKA) who are employees of the nickel processing company. The work on this road received appreciation from the community because it was carried out in just two days.

"This is extraordinary, the 1.5 km long concrete road work can be completed in just two days. And they don't work carelessly because the concrete is of very good quality", said Syarif, quoted by Antara on Monday, December 27.

The man who trades every day is grateful to PT VDNI, for being willing to work on the road. Because every day the road is very dusty and makes people around every day have to be bathed in dust in the summer and mud in the rainy season.

"This road is currently being worked on by the Southeast Sulawesi Provincial Government, so it is dusty. But because it has been concreted, the company will definitely help us the people who live in front of the road", he said.

The work on the concrete road which was built for two days had gone viral on social media. Many netizens appreciate the work ethic of these foreign workers.

"Investigation by investigation, the acceleration of the concrete road by the largest smelter company in Southeast Sulawesi, because today there is a visit by President Joko Widodo to the location as well as inaugurating the smelter factory in Morosi, Konawe Regency", said Jalimin, one of the employees at the company.

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